studio work

In particular order:

Put boards in several places in house. Walked route marking on each board, 7 times. Rapidly unable to sustain random marking. Further resolved images as group, given unsettling poor aesthetic (one-sided).

Made random marks on group of boards. Ditto.

Worked on .5 inch board, all sides and edges. Quite satisfactory.

Attempted diagram over several boards/tiles. Unsatisfactory. Reworked into images, contiguous by shared rectangle missing two tiles (one-sided).

Created text tiles about identity. (White project). Ongoing.

Wrapped text around all sides of board/tile.

Worked all sides/edges of board/tile with multiple colors. Two boards/tiles. Enjoyed the process-though challenging to work with wet paint on all sides/edges- and result. 

Asked people to provide "marks" and recorded comments in writing.

Developed identity encounters (white boards).

Drew rectangle on both side of group of tiles.

Mounted photographs and drew on image, continued drawing to all sides of board/tile.

Wrote on tile and put physical objects in plastic on reverse side.

Placed contradictory instructions on either side of board/tile.

Sent letter asking for response. Did not get any back. Working on revisions, distribution alternatives. Asking for responses in form of numbers, e.g. miles from birthplace, date of last kiss, inches from window. Will post revised forms.

Wrote a poem using "do not" phrases.
Wrote a statement using "white" phrases without "white" to be used as grid to place boards/tiles on.

Made pieces with textures on two sides. Interested in experience of people touching contents of my internal world, self.


End Anonymity Project

how much do I not matter to you on a scale of 0-100 (100=not mattering the most)?

(or how not curious about me are you?)

how much do you like/don't like this work?

Guess value of work and win sale price; includes some identifying information, e.g. name?

Income/education/hair color and so on?

I began "a new idea every day for 30 days" on Tuesday, 2/4/14. I believed ideas would flow infinitely and produce remarkably surprising, fresh work. Initial experiments produced work very much like my archive images. I have also begun a series of explorations in which my identity is disclosed, and feedback solicited from the audience. So far there is little rhyme or reason to these experiments. I will explain them further later.

Thoughts in progress on social interaction projects: Send everyone in the phonebook a personal note about being their neighbor; send a note meant for my mother to everybody in another town; send everybody a secret; invite the public to a birthday party and give them a little bit information about who I am so they can get me a personal gift for under $5, send them the $5 to buy the gift; ask people to send me a picture or a note about their life; send people a piece of artwork and ask for a photo of it in their homes. *in addition to allowing viewers to arrange pieces from the archive, 'games' could be constructed to facilitate thinking about authorship, meaning-making in art, purpose, time, and so on such as: a) inviting audience participants to arrange whole images out of pieces, photographing and printing them for sale with the audience participant as artist; b) removing some pieces on certain days or allowing participants to remove pieces from arranged works, or having multiple sided-pieces so some combinations can't be realized; c) asking participants to title pieces or record their responses including to certain information such as the artist as a woman, caucasian, and so on; d) creating the pieces from different materials so some are heavy and some light, or even very large so they might require more than one person to move.

Experimenting with imaging archive. Printed photographs 4x6 to include in archive and incorporated text:

text 1: any of various burrowing animals of the family Leporidae having long ears and short tails; some domesticated and rasied for pets or food.

text 2: The phrase four-letter word refers to a set of English-language words written with four letters which are considered profane, including common popular or slang terms for excretory functionssexual activity and genitalia, and (depending on the listener/reader) sometimes also certain terms relating to Hell and/or damnation when used outside their original religious context(s), and/or slurs.

and so on.