Friday, April 18, 2014

I am interested in whether people can entertain something of some depth from their own minds in relationship to another person's mind, in the sense of one's mind being free to dream, to remember things, fantasize, imagine- whether there is a place for confusing, fragmented, odd, absurd, crazy bits of our unconsciousness that is a kind of creative/constructive revelry between two people (Thomas Ogden) (if possible anymore in the 2014 media age). I also want to feel less alone, and less alone with my art and have hope in the ability of others to help me make sense of experience/my art, etc. which is what we do with all experience (ideally) (Bion, Winnicott). Have a few postcards back from friends. Positive interest in the categories, and the idea of an art piece evolving from it. One friend, unprompted, suggested that the creative dimension felt more intimate and meaningful to her than ordinary discourse.

a1616 Shakespeare Hamlet (1623) iii. ii. 67 Blest are those, Whose Blood and Iudgement are so well co-mingled [1604 comedled].

Making new images on .75 wood stock. Experimenting with materials. Trying to make sense of the six sides, and process.

Enormous gap between my rational or thinking consciousness and other modes of consciousness stimulating images. I would like to understand this better.