Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Important part of experience is viewer's handling of piece: desire to handle it, interest in exploring it once in hand, sense-feelings including any of 'violation,' messing-with, interference with as hand covers image, intimacy/contact with artist, pleasure.
I am struggling with how much to refine images. Should I 'prettify' them, make them sexy and more attractive? Is this an urge related to recruiting viewer's interest, or too much worry about quality of work and living up to others, doubt about primitive or crude quality of drawings (as this is increasingly evident and perhaps even getting worse, ironically, as I find myself more psychically involved with the work)? It is very hard to appreciate the experience of the whole archive as it grows, and become obsessed with one image to the exclusion of how it works with the whole. Yet it must accomplish both somehow. This has become more clear with today's images, quite distinct and I see that they must be if there is to be any chance of reflecting emerging but fragmentary and momentary interior material.